On a cold, wet and rainy Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 10AM to 4PM, the ladies of our Philoptochos held its Christmas Bake Sale. The doors were wide open. The Christmas music filled our church with soft, instrumental traditional carols. Umbrellas were left at the door. Guests moved about the decorated Narthex to make their selections. Many thanks to the more than 17 bakers who provided the tasty treats, which were displayed in festive boxes. The team of Shelly Vomvolakis, Alexa Bolas (not in photos), Georgia Chronopoulos, and Shirley Manis welcomed each visitor. Some lingered for a hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles. Our expectations were lowered based on the weather, but St. Katherine and Prophet Elias ensured our efforts were rewarded. After Divine Liturgy on Sunday, more baked goodies were purchased. Now, our Philoptochos treasury has been replenished beyond expectations for a one-day event! Our charitable work will be robust in 2023! Amin!