On December 10, 2022, our ladies enjoyed a festive party hosted by Sophie Polyhronakis. The event was enjoyed by those who braved a major rainstorm that night to be together. It was a lovely evening!Read More
On a cold, wet and rainy Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 10AM to 4PM, the ladies of our Philoptochos held its Christmas Bake Sale. The doors were wide open. The Christmas music filled our church with soft, instrumental traditional carols. Umbrellas were left at the door. Guests moved about the decorated Narthex to make their...Read More
On Sunday, November 20, 2022, our Philoptochos chapter honored our patron saint – St. Katherine the Great Martyr. Catalina Gomes decorated with flowers. Lara Willingham read the story of Katherine who suffered for the Faith and also enumerated all the charities our chapter supports. After the Divine Liturgy, our Philoptochos provided a Lenten luncheon for...Read More
With God’s help, we were able to have a hike last Saturday! We visited the UCSC Upper Campus Reserve. As the pictures depict, it is a very beautiful place. We had one person who showed up and it was a beautiful hike. I am thankful that we had the opportunity to carry out this hike!...Read More
With God’s help, we have been able to hold our first meeting! Excluding myself, six other people attended our first fellowship meeting! Thank you to Maia and Petka for helping us with the Vespers and unlocking the Church! After Vespers, we went upstairs to speak to each other. Father Angelo Pappas generously helped us by...Read More
Glory be to God! With God’s help and mercy, the OCF was able to set up a booth at this year’s Cornucopia event at UCSC. People from varying backgrounds came by and spoke with our OCF spiritual advisor, Father Ion Coman. Most of the people who showed interest in joining OCF for their first meeting...Read More
On Wednesday evening, June 29, 2022, Father John Takahashi greeted a group of students led by our seminarian Ioan Gheorghiu from Holy Cross/Hellenic College in Brookline, MA. They requested a tour of Prophet Elias while they were in Santa Cruz. The students are attending the CrossRoad Summer Institute in San Francisco. They venerated all the...Read More
On Sunday, June 12, 2022, two young guests celebrated the Divine services with us. Paul Zerebinski (left), a former OCF member at Prophet Elias who served as an acolyte, and Mikael Habrezion (right) from Annunciation in Sacramento, CA, added depth and beauty to the chanting of the hymns. Many thanks to these young men who...Read More
On Sunday, May 29, 2002, His Grace Bishop Ioannis celebrated the Divine services at Prophet Elias. He also blessed the future endeavours of our college grads. From left to right: Nicole Bishara (BA-Computer Science, Habib Maksoud (BS-Neuroscience), Theophanis Fox (MS-Computer Science & Engineering), His Grace, Andrew Angeles (PhD-Linguistics), Monika Mikhail (PhD-Anthropology), and advisor Marc Emile...Read More
Our OCF had an introductory meeting with Father Ion Coman, who graciously agreed to be the spiritual advisor until a new Proistamenos comes to Prophet Elias. It was a wonderful first meeting. Amin! Read More