On Saturday, December 2, 2023, our Philoptochos sales team gathered at the church and welcomed guests to purchase our pastries and holiday items. Music filled the church with Christmas carols. It was a joyful afternoon with plenty of eager shoppers. Many guests had never been inside our church or an Orthodox church. All guests were...Read More
Join us on Saturday, December 2, 2023, to purchase pastry gift boxes, hot chocolate and special gift items will be on sale. All proceeds support our charities. Get into the spirit and share the sweets! Read More
On Saturday, October 28, 2023, St. Katherine’s held a Treasure Sale from 10:00am-3:00pm, featuring gently used items. Guests were able to browse and make their selections. It was a resounding success! Many thanks to all the ladies who prepared tables for selling their items and for our gentleman who helped set and take down the...Read More
On Sunday, August 27, 2023, our St. Katherine’s Philoptochos treasurer Alexa Bolas and Vice president Lyna Dyer presented Father John Takahashi with our new Communion Kit. The kit was purchased with funds Alexa had faithfully collected from our donated recycled items. Many thanks to recycle donors! The kit joins other church furnishings made possible by...Read More
On Sunday, June 11, 2023, our new Philoptochos president, Aphrodite Roberts presented outgoing president Maria Thomas with a beautiful hand-painted icon of St. Katherine. This gift acknowledges Maria’s many years of love and attention to those in need, and needs of the church. We will miss her thoughtful and caring ways. She promises to visit...Read More
On Sunday, June 11, 2023, Father Milutin administered the Oath of Office to the new St. Katherine’s Philoptochos officers. (left to right) President – Aphrodite Roberts, Maria Thomas – past president and mentor, Vice president – Lyna Dyer, Secretary – Lauretta Steel, and Treasurer – Alexa Bolas. Congratulations to all our members who will continue...Read More
On Sunday, January 22, 2023, Father Angelo blessed the vasilopita that was cut in the church, which was made by Greg and Robin Sirakides. Other parishioners baked loaves and cakes for the Philoptochos auction. During Fellowship, Father Angelo encouraged parishioners to be generous and they were. All proceeds are for St. Basil’s Children’s Orphanage. Blessings...Read More
On December 10, 2022, our ladies enjoyed a festive party hosted by Sophie Polyhronakis. The event was enjoyed by those who braved a major rainstorm that night to be together. It was a lovely evening!Read More
On a cold, wet and rainy Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 10AM to 4PM, the ladies of our Philoptochos held its Christmas Bake Sale. The doors were wide open. The Christmas music filled our church with soft, instrumental traditional carols. Umbrellas were left at the door. Guests moved about the decorated Narthex to make their...Read More
On Sunday, November 20, 2022, our Philoptochos chapter honored our patron saint – St. Katherine the Great Martyr. Catalina Gomes decorated with flowers. Lara Willingham read the story of Katherine who suffered for the Faith and also enumerated all the charities our chapter supports. After the Divine Liturgy, our Philoptochos provided a Lenten luncheon for...Read More