
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, we welcomed Father John Takahashi and Father Charles Joanides to co-celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Father Charles and Presvytera Nancy are visiting their son Stephan, who is an altar server, and his family before returning to New York later this week. We are blessed to host them all. Amin!
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Our guest speaker Thomaida Hudanish of the Metropolis visited our parish to share ideas for spreading Orthodoxy in our region. She offered guidelines and techniques developed in other parishes who have met success. Soon our parish will begin making our ministry more visible. Many thanks to Thomaida who also chanted and sang in our choir...
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Only four more weeks to make a Mocha for MIssions difference! Our MOCHAS FOR MISSIONS campaign ends September 1, 2016.. Thank you to Maria Thomas and Chair Shirley Manis for creating a poster and collection jar. Father Milutin introduced the concept of our Missions & Outreach ministry, which is to tell the world about Orthodoxy...
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Outreach is not a person, committee or project. Outreach is an attitude and a person-to-person process. We offer these ways to make the process personal. Our messages are posted to the World. Come and see!
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Blessings to Dena Culbertson, our Philoptochos sister, who suffered a stroke. She cannot speak to us, but her hugs and hums tell us she is happy!     
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Congratulations! Our backpack project just topped 89 packs since we started supporting the Foster Children in Santa Cruz County. Many thanks to Maria Thomas who shops the sales and scours the internet to find the best prices. Our TIp Jars at Festivals and parishioner donations have been most generous. And, most recently, thanks to Dr....
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What accounts for the differences between the Eastern and Western churches? Many things of course, but primarily the development in the West – through those such as Anselm and Aquinas – of an emphasis on human reason and intellect in the pursuit of theological understanding. Returning briefly to our discussion of Rome and the Eastern...
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Featuring Rev. Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald and Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis Discussion Questions: 1. What am I when I proclaim that I am an Orthodox Christian? 2. How does my ethnic background affect and influence my Orthodox Faith? 3. When asked what faith I am, how can I give a comprehensible, concise answer? 4. Can an...
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Cappella Romana performs exquisite Byzantine musical treasures–from the cathedrals and monasteries of the Eastern Roman Empire–preserved from destruction in the Egyptian desert at the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai. Features music for the medieval celebration of Vespers in honor of St. Catherine, and Byzantium’s only liturgical drama, the Service of the...
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